Welcome to Forest Fellowship

We're a Christian family looking for fellow believers committed to Scripture.

We're completely frustrated with the state of the Church in this area. There's actually very little that represents any kind of connection to historic Protestant or Biblical Christianity.

There's a lot that could be said about worship and doctrine, let alone application and ethics.

We're not legalists. We're not looking to bind anyone's conscience to extra-Scriptural man-made commandments.

But we're also not Traditionalists. We don't accept things just because it's the accepted practice in our culture, churches or because it's some kind of Evangelical norm.

If you want to read Scripture, pray, and discuss these things we'd love to get together with you.

We're not cultists or anything like that. If the year was 1916, 1816 or even earlier we probably wouldn't be having this problem. There would be numerous Protestant churches we would consider attending.

What's the goal?

Well, someday we'd love to see a new congregation started but that's a long way off. We're not interested in gimmicks and other man-made programs to accomplish this. There's no point starting something unless it's going to be solid and Biblical.

We've come to believe this area is a mission field, every bit as difficult as trying to operate in another country. This area is saturated with Christianity, or inoculated against it might be another way to put it.

We're not suggesting that there aren't Christians out there. There most certainly are and yet in many cases they're worshipping in churches that hold to serious error or are engaged in worship that is not even remotely in accord with Scripture.

If you're interested, send us an email or call.

or Kevin at 814-657-3889

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